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Accurate ventricular tachycardia diagnosis | Ventricular tachycardia treatment

Accurate ventricular tachycardia diagnosis

Accurate ventricular tachycardia diagnosis  based on precise and detailed history (interview with the patient), review (primarily a description of the pulse), a basic test that follows is an electrocardiogram (ECG).

Electrocardiogram (EKG) is a rapid, noninvasive procedure, in which the recorded electrical activity of the heart. The body is put together with the electrodes and the apparatus that records an ECG. The resulting curve describes the flow passage of electrical impulses through the heart with three main waves: P wave marks the beginning of activities dictated by the sinus node, the QRS complex is the largest deflection in the curve, and records the electrical activity of the main chambers, followed by T wave, which means the power recovery ventricle after contraction. Studying the appearance of these elements, and ECG interval and time course of the waves to a number of important diagnosis of various heart diseases, primarily arrhythmias.

An example of arrhythmia that can be very accurately diagnose the conversation and palpating the pulse is one of the most common arrhythmia in general, atrial fibrillation. Here most of the patients described an irregular, often rapid heartbeat, and feeling the pulse shows a very irregular heartbeat, on average, faster than the usual range of frequencies. ECG is very easy to confirm the diagnosis, showing that the termination of the natural pacemaker, the sinus node, and instead recorded flicker (fibrillation) atrium (atria) to irregular (arrhythmic) response ventricles (ventricular).

In case of arrhythmia that occurs occasionally or seizures, a normal ECG will often be normal and then try to capture the critical ECG arrhythmia in the attack, or just when she feels sick. It is sometimes not easy, especially if it is a relatively rare event. Searches that might help is a 24-hour Holter ECG. It is a small recorder that is worn on the body for 24 hours, which is connected to the body using self-adhesive electrodes and ECG recorded during an entire day (in some cases can be worn for several days). The patient while wearing the Holter normal ranges and performing their usual activities, and potential interference recorded in the diary eventually appear. In this way problems can be linked with the ECG machine, which is recorded.

Except as described in the treatment of arrhythmias is essential to establish whether the electrical disturbance occurs on a mechanical heart healthy, or whether the ejection orderly function of the heart, whether it is in their heart sections of normal size, and what is the function of the heart valves. This is important because some of arrhythmia occurs as a result of mechanical, structural heart disease. Because the treatment of arrhythmias is certainly the heart and ultrasound, laboratory tests (mainly blood count, then electrolytes in the blood, thyroid hormones, etc.), testing (ergometry), a doctor may recommend following this treatment and additional testing.

One possibility is that the record is a rare arrhythmia transtelefonski ECG. Here is a small device that is easy to use and with which a person may at any time alone to record their own ECG and send it by phone reading.

In one patient of the doctor will recommend implementation of the so-called. electrophysiological testing. In some patients with unexplained arrhythmia is possible to install a miniature device to record heart rate (Eng. loop recorder) which fuse size is set under the skin of the sternum and records every heartbeat for a period of 3 years or until such time as the arrhythmia is not record.